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Small steps can take you a long way. |
But we don't need to tear things up and start
again, or introduce significant, novel variations in order to improve
the way we do business. There are small changes we can make that,
when applied in the right circumstances, can make a huge difference.
This post will explore some of these, with explanations as to the
purpose and advantage you can expect to see. It's likely that some
Meetings will already be doing some of these – Quaker Business
Method is not the well-defined, definitive set of practices we tend
to think – but there are certainly many that don't.
The first point is simply a good practice for any
sort of organisational meeting in any context, but in my experience
Quakers are no better at it than anyone else. That is provision and
reading of documents
in advance.
Most of the time, there is no good reason that factual information
and background not be provided in advance of a decision, nor that
formal written reports be read aloud. This takes up a lot of time
that could be spent on things that actually require Friends to be
present together in prayerful discernment. Where written material
isn't suitable for some Friends, for example due to sensory
impairment, Friends should be able to find ways to provide that
material to such Friends – even if it is something as simple as
someone reading it to them (though providing written material in
appropriate electronic format will enable many visually impaired
people to “read” it using computer software). While some struggle
to absorb written material, it being read out verbatim in meeting
will not make things any better for many such individuals – and
will be worse than providing written material for many others. Clear
but detailed information is best provided in advance, and Friends
should actually read the material and come to business meeting with
their minds, as well as their hearts, prepared.
closely related point regards particularly highly detailed
information, such as lots of figures. Even if this information is
provided in advance, people will need to refer to it during the
meeting. It is not reasonable to expect, even when the material has
been provided in advance, that people will bring copies with them. A
lot of people will consume such documents electronically if they are
available in such form, and not everyone who does so will bring a
suitable electronic device to be able to refer to the material during
the meeting. Many of these people will prefer not to print things
out, even if they have the ability to do so, to avoid wasting paper
and ink. Even those who do refer to hard copies in advance will often
forget to bring them with them. As such, detailed
material should be provided in written form at the meeting.
This can be printed copies, passed around and shared between several
people to save resources, or it can be presented on a flipchart,
whiteboard, or some form of overhead projection (be it old-fashioned
transparency or a data projector).
course, however well briefed people are, there will always be
questioned, and when they are asked and answered during the business
session then everyone benefits from the answers. However, the
(generally reasonable and positive) convention that each person
speaks only once to each business item can make it difficult to ask
questions, knowing that you will not minister again with that
additional information. This is why some Meetings provide, during the
business meeting, separate
time for questions and answers before discernment.
Everyone is gathered, and the rooting in silence maintained, but once
the business item has been presented, anyone may stand and ask
questions, or provide additional information. It's important for
discipline that this be essentially factual, though sometimes asking
the person who presented the information for their opinion may be
appropriate. For instance, where a budget or accounts are presented,
there might be a lot of factual information that needs to be teased
out with questions, which might then be followed by fairly brief
discernment. Where a Friend has brought some proposal for action by
the Meeting, it can be very helpful for questions to be asked to
refine and clarify that proposal before discernment. Questions asked
in this time are not to be considered ministry; you need not wait for
the Spirit to prompt you to ask a question, and they should not be
considered direct contributions to the discernment that follows.
Similarly, the answers obtained are not ministry, but merely the
direct answers to the questions asked.
thing that can have a surprisingly significant effect is being
thoughtful in scheduling.
Different items of business are demanding on those Friends present in
different ways, and you should avoid, if possible, putting the same
demands on people for several items in a row. It can be helpful to
ease people in gently, with straightforward items at the start of a
session. If your meeting is going on long enough that there are
breaks, consider putting some short reports that will likely require
no action before breaks, to help people wind down and avoid
stretching their collective resources. When people are rested and
energised from a break, you can start dealing with more difficult
matters again.
huge difference can be made through planning
and preparing items.
Beyond just what information is distributed in advance, or how a
question is framed in a session, there are a lot of different things
you can do to help people engage with an item of business. Visual
aids are not unQuakerly (though consider whether they create access
difficulties for anyone present). For difficult items that people
really need to think about, but it's not workable to have a threshing
process in advance, you can set aside some time for small group
discussions before discernment (preferably before finishing allowing
questions as described earlier in this post). Sometimes you can even
use a more spiritual or personal/reflective activity to help people
get in the right frame of mind for discernment. The bag of tricks for
this is infinite.
worth spending some time focussing particularly on the framing
of questions.
Sometimes we need to bring an item to a business meeting that is
extremely open, that could go in any number of directions. However,
when we do that it is more likely to take a long time and fail to
reach unity. Perhaps a committee will be asked to study options, or
more information about different possibilities sought. If you can
present an item as a clear question with a small number of options,
even if those options have some blanks left to fill in, you are more
likely to find a clear answer in reasonable time. “What shall we do
about X?” type items, while sometimes appropriate or even
unavoidable, will tend to take a lot of time, prove difficult for
clerks, and lead to no clear, decisive forward motion. To be
absolutely clear, that is
okay sometimes. Expect to return to such matters in future sessions
before a clear path of action is discerned, however. Be prepared for
a definite opening arising with surprising speed and clarity though,
because sometimes the Spirit is remarkably clear – even (or
especially) when we aren't. Just don't bank on it.
planning, it's also worth asking does
this really need business meeting time?
Some things, especially some reports, or updates on ongoing efforts,
do not always need business time. Updates of information might be
presented during the meeting and recorded as minutes of record, and
some material can simply be distributed through appropriate channels
without taking up any meeting time at all. Anything which is
absolutely expected to be a one-way provision of information does not
need time for ministry and discernment, and we not necessarily need
to provide opportunities for questions in the meeting environment,
either – provided that effective channels of communication exist,
and they really should. You can also reach a wider audience who will
be more likely to absorb the information if it is provided other than
in business meeting; even if the information is recorded in the
minutes, experience suggests that more people read newsletters and
email updates than read the minutes of meetings they did not attend.
thing worth considering in some circumstances – only when it's
warranted, a technique not to over-use – is splitting
difficult items up.
You can present information, and perhaps allow some small group
discussion or reflective activity, and then turn to other business
while people continue to digest the earlier matter. Preferably after
a break, which means a chance for unstructured discussion if people
want it, you can then return to the difficult item, and people will
have worked through the immediate reactions and had a chance to
reflect and discuss, and thus able to approach it in a more
appropriate state of mind.
final point is one for clerks, though it will be easier for them if
the rest of us bear it in mind as well. Quaker Business Method is
often thought of as slow, and as a method that has difficulty
reaching a definite outcome. This complaint is often exaggerated, but
it is not entirely undeserved. The thing to remember is that there's
nothing wrong with this.
It is a natural result of essential humility in a process where we
seek to discern guidance from the Divine. It is also natural when
that guidance is being filtered through and reflected on by a number
of individuals who will have their own perspectives, even as they
strive to set aside their preconceptions. While we do not seek
consensus, we do seek unity behind our decisions – not unity that
they are right, but unity that they are what the Spirit is nudging us
towards; when it's stronger than a nudge, it's more likely that unity
will come easily. Because of this, it's important for clerks to
understand, accept, and act on the fact that we
don't always get a clear result.
We have to trust our clerks discernment of the sense of the meeting,
in finding that there isn't a clear sense at this time, and to
support them when they seek to find a way to help the Meeting move
forward to get closer to making a decision at some point in the
lot's of these little variations and tips that you can try, and I'm
sure I've just scratched the surface. What other little tricks and
clever ideas do you know, for helping Quaker decision-making run
smoothly and effectively?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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