Privacy Policy and Cookies

This site makes use of cookies to:
  • Serve ads based on your previous visits to this site and other sites
  • Track overall visitor behaviour for analytic purposes
These cookies are set by:
  • Google
All advertising on this site is provided via Google. Advertising is personalised based on the consent you provide. Google will set cookies related to advertising even if you do not consent to personalisation, but these are used purely to ensure the smooth running of the service.
All analytic use of tracking data is entirely anonymous, and is not used to identify individual users or their behaviour. It simply allows for a clearer idea of how users use the site, rather than just how often individual posts and pages are visited. However, if you prefer not to be tracked in this way when using this site, you can opt out. This works by setting a cookie containing no information other than your desire not to be tracked for analytics purposes. If you clear cookies or use a different computer, it will need to be set again.
Anonymous logging data is also stored by Blogger for statistical purposes, allowing me to get an idea of what pages are being viewed, where my audience is locate, and where the links are that they clicked to get here. Additional logging data is probably kept by Blogger for security and regulatory purposes, but I have no access to that.
If you enjoy this blog, or otherwise find it worthwhile, please consider contributing to my Patreon. More information about this, and the chance to comment, can be found in the post announcing the launch of my Patreon.